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Clubbells and Viking Hammers

16 Item(s)

16 Item(s)


Clubbells are a piece of popular functional training equipment. Their unbalanced center of gravity is similar to the kettlebells training concept and allows you to perform strength training exercises, with benefits for flexibility, coordination, agility, and balance. The clubbells weight and the benefits of these training tools are just perfect for conditioning. In this section of the Online Shop, you will find the Xenios USA clubbell. Get ready for some really challenging upper body workouts.

Clubbell training is as challenging as useful to prevent injuries and developing your physical abilities. It is no secret that the training method provided by the clubbell can build a strong upper body but, in addition to this, the clubbell exercises stimulate the whole body. In particular, the torso movements required can strengthen the core, with benefits for arms and legs.

Rely on the quality and reliability of training tools that are designed for the workouts of the world’s strongest athletes. The Xenios USA philosophy turns into a unique construction process, which is able to merge the training needs with the highest safety standards. The Xenios USA Elite Clubbells are the perfect example! The no-welding design of these Clubbells gives extreme solidity and strength to the tool. In addition, their urethane coating provides a perfect mix between a firm grip and a soft-touch feeling to increase the training comfort. Your training will no longer be the same!

Discover all the equipment you need for your conditioning in the Conditioning section on the Online Shop.