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Equipment - Functional

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Equipment - Functional

Xenios USA functional training equipment

If you don't love gyms and machines but your goal is being fit and increasing your physical performance, functional training is the best solution for you. One of the biggest advantages of this training is choosing your training environment: you can workout at the Box, at home or just outside. That's because you just need a few specific accessories and equipment to face your training. Let's discover the best equipment to start functional training.

Xenios USA Online Shop provides the best quality for functional training equipment due to its experience and collaboration with professional athletes. Among our functional equipment you can choose what you need into the categories: agility, clubbells, kettlebells and dumbbells, plyo boxes, sleds, training balls, training bags, training ropes and viking hammers.

As already mentioned, functional training requires no machines, however selecting the right equipment is crucial to face the exercise of your training program. This sport will teach you how important your equipment is to execute the exercises correctly, without overloading and stimulating the right muscles. Functional training is one of the most complete and smart training you can do as long as it do not isolate your workout on a single muscle. On the contrary, it involves most of your muscles, at the same time.

Let's discover something more on functional training equipment. What do you need to face your training program? Athlete by athlete, the answer is always different because functional training is completely custom. Each training is developed on each athlete's characteristics and goals. However, there are some must-have that you cannot miss among your equipment and gear.

Surely, you've already heard about kettlebells and training ropes as they are the most popular functional training equipment which allows doing infinite exercises to get fit. Let's take kettlebells as a clear example of what you can do with your training: squat, abs, upper body workout and many other exciting exercises to reach your fitness goals. The same goes for training ropes and your workout on biceps, triceps, shoulder, back and all the upper body muscles; do not forget trx suspension training. Once tried, you'll understand the amazing results you can achieve.

On the Xenios USA Online Shop you can choose the perfect functional training equipment to face your training sessions and go beyond your limits. Discover our functional equipment.