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Strongman Benches

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Strongman Benches

Xenios USA: Excellence in Training Benches

The world of fitness is vast, and finding the right equipment is not so easy. Benches are certainly among the tools that will eventually become indispensable: once you've passed the entry-level phase, you'll realize that a bench will be fundamental to continue the development of your muscle hypertrophy. The use of these tools allows you to work on strengthening many muscles such as biceps, chest, and abdomen.
Their history began around the 1930s when, for the first time, bench presses were performed by bodybuilders. The intent was to lift barbells from the chest, lying on "benches" or actual wooden boxes. Already in the previous decades, athletes had begun to experiment with different forms of bench press using the floor as support: in some cases, the weight was lifted from the ground, in others, the back was slightly arched. The position to maintain during bench presses was a matter of debate: some considered "the belly push" as a movement not suitable for the regulations. Meanwhile, it was realized that fully resting the back on the surface made the movement more complicated. The discussion concluded with the decision to allow the back to rest on a raised surface, like a bench, and not directly on the floor, thus allowing the athlete to slightly arch the back and still perform an allowed movement.

What do you train with a bench?

This type of equipment comes in numerous models and different types. Generally, the objectives pursued with the different benches are common: the most trained muscle is undoubtedly the pectoralis major, but the arms are also very involved. Depending on which type of bench you choose to use, you will train other more specific and varied areas.

When talking about the flat bench, it's almost obvious to think that it's the main muscle involved and it's the pectoralis major. But according to various studies, the triceps brachii is also a very participating muscle, at least as much as the pectorals. Among the secondary muscles, there are the anterior bundles of the deltoid. In any case, the more or less significant involvement of muscle parts also depends on the type of exercise and the body posture used.
Speaking of the adjustable bench, you face another scenario: thanks to the versatility of the tool, with it, it will be possible to work on the whole body. In fact, based on the setting given to the workout and therefore the use made of the adjustable bench, muscle mass, strength, and endurance will increase, involving muscle groups such as the back, arms, core, and chest. Generally, it is a valid tool for good work on the upper body.
If, however, you find yourself using a multi-function bench, a total body workout is guaranteed, as the toning work involves a large number of muscles. Thanks to the construction and specific design of this bench, it is possible to work not only on arms, back, and chest, but also on the back, legs, and other less frequently used muscle groups.

Some of the most common exercises that can be performed using benches are: flat bench press with barbell, flat bench press with dumbbells, Spider Curl, dumbbell row on bench, seated dumbbell shoulder press on bench and many others.

Benches | Xenios USA

What models of benches can you find at Xenios USA?

The use of gym benches is central to any weightlifting exercise, thus essential for training in disciplines such as Powerlifting, Weightlifting, Bodybuilding, and many others. To meet the various needs of different disciplines and to allow for the successful completion of numerous exercises, there are different types of benches, each with its own characteristics. However, all of them are equipped with great quality, clearly visible in the soft components: the padding of the cushions and the textured faux leather upholstery provide the right comfort during training. It's useful to analyze the world of benches by dividing it into 3 different categories.

Flat Benches

The flat bench is certainly the type that first comes to mind when thinking of this field; this for several reasons: it is one of the most common pieces of equipment in fitness environments, but it's also an indispensable tool for performing certain exercises, including some movements required in the discipline of Powerlifting. Thanks to its characteristic, already highlighted by the name, i.e., being made up of a single flat axis parallel to the floor, it allows for movements that aim to develop the upper body.
The flat bench is among the fundamental equipment in Powerlifting and Bodybuilding, and for this reason, its structure is designed to support heavy weights. Thanks to the research behind the design of this product, Xenios USA offers flat benches that guarantee stability during training, even during the most intense exercises. In their composition, all Xenios USA flat benches are capable of supporting up to 180 kg body weight and a maximum load of 450 kg.

Belonging to this category are the Heavy Duty Utility Flat Bench and the Heavy Duty Utility Flat Bench for Powerlifting, equipped with a single foot useful for those who practice Powerlifting, as it will allow not to have obstacles on the support base thus enabling the athlete to slide their feet on the floor freely. The last type of bench in this section is the Folding Utility Flat Bench: in this case, the main feature that distinguishes it from the others is the fact that the legs of the bench can be folded into the bench itself. With the addition of the Wall Mount for Bench and Rower, you can store the folded bench suspended on the wall, thus taking up even less space. Another accessory that allows the folding flat bench to expand its use is the Crunch Option, making it a valid tool for abdominal training.

Adjustable Benches

This second category encompasses all benches that have a clearly visible feature: the bench is no longer single and, above all, no longer fixed. As the name suggests, these are benches with adjustable inclinations; depending on the model chosen, it may be possible to move only the backrest or the seat in some cases. This versatility makes it suitable for performing a large number of exercises and adaptable to the various needs of the athlete. But what is most important is that thanks to its reclining nature, it is possible to perform any movement without losing stability, a fundamental characteristic of the bench.

Within this category, several models offered by Xenios USA include:

  • Adjustable Multifunction Bench: is certainly one of the most complete you will find, as it is adjustable both in terms of the backrest and the seat, and is also multifunctional. It allows for use in various exercises and with the help of different tools: the space beneath the seat is completely dedicated to equipment organization such as dumbbells, kettlebells, and more, thus contributing not only to training but also to maintaining order and space. In combination with this bench, you can purchase an accessory that makes the bench ideal for abdominal training: the Sit-Up Option. Among the choices offered by Xenios USA, you will also have the option to buy the multifunction adjustable bench in its Fully Equipped version.
  • Heavy Duty Adjustable Bench: this is a bench capable of meeting many needs; being adjustable both in terms of the backrest and the seat, it can assume 50 different combinations, thus allowing a large number of possible exercises to be performed. Another of its peculiarities is the high stability due to the width of the rear foot. For this bench, the Sit-Up Option is also available for abdominal training.
  • Adjustable Bench - The Essentials: it is also possible to work on the inclination of both planes, but not only. The comfort of this tool, which makes it suitable for home use, is the ease with which it can be handled: without sacrificing the stability always sought in equipment like this, the adjustable bench is lightweight and equipped with wheels that allow for easy and quick movement. In addition to this model, there is a specific accessory, the Feet Rolls Option, for comfortably performing abs on the bench.
  • Folding Incline and Decline Bench: convenience and comfort in one piece of equipment; this model indeed has features to highlight. The backrest is not only inclinable but also declinable, a feature that distinguishes this bench, making it usable in many new ways. In addition, its legs are foldable: this will allow it to occupy the least possible space to store it comfortably when not in use.

Special Benches

Xenios USA cares about the needs of its athletes, even the most peculiar ones. That's why this category of benches was created, within which you can find the most particular and specific models. The study and research that led to the design of these benches aimed to meet different needs and thus create specific equipment for specific activities.

Belonging to this category are: the Power Bench Press; the Ergo GHD Strongmen Bench; the Folding GHD Bench; the Powerlifting Combo Rack, fully compliant with IPF regulations; and finally the Reverse Hyper Station, with which it is possible to perform a series of reverse hyperextensions, and to which two different accessories can be attached, the Reverse Hyper Belt and l’Ankle Rolls, ideali per l’allenamento della parte inferiore del corpo.

What are benches used for and when should they be used?

The bench is a piece of gym equipment designed to train various parts of the body. As can be inferred from its horizontal structure, it is a real workout bench. It is used as a support for performing a high number of exercises where it is necessary to have the torso adhering to a surface but raised off the floor. It is a highly appreciated piece of equipment precisely because of its versatility, which allows it to be used in fundamental exercises to work on strength and hypertrophy, particularly of the upper body. Regarding the frequency and intensity with which it is advisable to use it, this depends on individual goals to be achieved, the level of preparation, and the planning and programming of workouts. Generally, many athletes include it in their weekly workout plan at least 1-2 times a week.

How to use a bench?

After analyzing models, functionalities, and uses of the various benches that Xenios USA offers, we have certainly understood how difficult it is to give up such a tool when training. Exercises for the shoulders, for the chest, exercises on the flat bench, are parts of daily training, and to ensure that they can be performed in the best possible way, it is necessary to equip yourself with benches. For the success of an exercise, and thus to notice results, there are many factors to consider: having good equipment, following a proper diet, performing a good warm-up pre and a cool-down post-workout. For example, in training the deltoids, the inclined bench will certainly be a valid ally, but all those precautions such as good shoulder stretching at the end of the workout are fundamental. In the case where you want to perform chest exercises with dumbbells, the flat bench is essential, like the work of flyes on a flat bench but also flyes on an inclined bench. Although benches are fundamental, it is necessary to remember that they are not enough: to perform the vast majority of workouts, it is necessary to equip oneself with other gym equipment. In this regard, barbells, dumbbells, barbells with weights, adjustable dumbbells and many other tools that will complete the equipment for every exercise are extremely useful. In this way, you get closer to the world of the multifunction bench which, as we have seen and as the name suggests, with its structure allows for a complete workout involving the entire body.
Whatever your intention, the intensity you want to give to your workout, here you will find what you need. You can furnish your gym with flat benches and dumbbells, or inclined bench and dumbbells, but also with bench and barbells and much more. But if your goal is to continuously progress, then you can also equip yourself with multipower and various accessories to make your gym truly top-notch.

Now choose the ideal bench for you!

Your moment has come: we have given you the information. Continue to visit our website if you want to clear your ideas further and then find the perfect bench to add to your training plan.

Equipment for the Fittest | Xenios USA