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Bodyweight - Functional

9 Item(s)

9 Item(s)

Bodyweight - Functional

Xenios USA equipment and accessories for bodyweight training

During your functional training, the benefits of bodyweight exercises are many and remarkable. Knowing these benefits is essential to understand how you can improve your body potential through this discipline. By definition, bodyweight workout lays its foundation on using our own weight during the exercise. However, we should support these movements with specific high-quality accessories in order to get the best from them. Some examples? Just think of trx and pull up bars or weighted vests and pegboards.

Combining bodyweight exercises to a functional training program, you can work out at home or in the Box without important investments. You just need a few reliable accessories! On the Xenios USA Online Shop, you'll find the best bodyweight training equipment in the following categories: mats, parallettes, peg boards, pull up bars, rings and straps, resistance bands, suspension training and weighted vest.

During your training sessions, based on bodyweight exercises, you'll be able to load your joints naturally without stressing them over the limits and preventing annoying injuries. Moreover, you'll make work many different muscles simultaneously without the need for machines because your body will provide anything you need. Warm-up all your muscles and get ready to work hard.

We've just discovered something more about bodyweight training; let's have a look at some Xenios USA equipment to make your training sessions exciting and effective. Let's start with trx, one of the essential accessories for your bodyweight training; trx allow the execution of exercises by using the weight of your body. You will always be able to decide the degree of difficulty of your training session. This allows to work with the upper body muscles, increasing strength and muscles' volume. trx will be the focal point of your bodyweight exercises.

Let's focus on the pull up bar. This accessory will put your muscles' structures to the test; working against your weight and the gravity will be one of the greatest challenge of your workout. The pull up bar allows you to strengthen your arms, shoulder and abs. Make your workout professional and unique. Choose the perfect pull up on Xenios USA Online Shop.

Trust the quality of Xenios USA bodyweight equipment and accessories. Discover all the bodyweight equipment and gear on the Online Shop.