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Reverse Hyper Extension

Reverse Hyper Extension

Inkl. MwSt: 1.055,00 €
MwSt. Ohne:* 864,75 €
* Der MwSt.-Betrag kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren.
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360 Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension Reverse Hyper Extension
Reverse Hyper Extension
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If you’re on the hunt for a dependable and solid GHD machine without breaking the bank, Xenios USA’s® Reverse Hyper Extension is ready to be installed into the fitness space you need – from a Box to a home gym.

Xenios USA® provides the equipment you need to fulfil your highest goals.

Our design team at Xenios USA® is constantly working to give you the fitness apparatus that you ask for, at a price that won’t break the bank.  We are aware of the importance of a workable budget to our customers and pride ourselves on supplying superior constructed equipment that is within your price range, while never sacrificing on quality construction.  It is a part of our company philosophy to be up-to-speed on the needs of our athletes and to develop equipment at the best price possible.

No athlete wants to risk injury and strains as they train and we know that developing core strength and flexibility is an essential part of all training regimes.  The first step is to begin with top-notch equipment - that is where our dedicated and innovative R&D team at Xenios USA® comes in. Made using superior gauge steel with our standard safety strap and pins included.  It comes with durable and easy-to-clean PVC coated pad filled with high-density foam to support a variety of bodyweights.

Xenios USA’s® athletes train tough and strong and deserve only the best and most reliable equipment to match their fitness regime. This new edition Reverse Hyper Extension gives you what you need. Comfortable and durable foam pad, ergo dynamic grip handles, and adjustable pins allow this top quality equipment to provide safe and supported back extension, while preventing common glute and sciatica injuries.  Belt included.  Feet roles option available if required.

Worth the investment and made from the most cutting-edge advanced steel construction that guarantees longevity over time - you will be ready to take on any challenge big or small.

Colour  Colour Matt Black - Raw Finish
Category XRIG™ - Magnum
Weight 138 Kg
Length 144 cm
Width 105 cm / 158 (with Slevee)
Height 128 cm

Che cos'è la Reverse Hyper?
Una macchina per eseguire l'esercizio di reverse hyperextension, in italiano le iperestensioni inverse, allenare la catena muscolare del coscia posteriore, glutei e muscoli lombari.
A cosa serve la Reverse Hyper?
Una macchina ideale per allenare glutei, muscoli lombari e la catena muscolare posteriore della coscia, anche chiamati muscoli ischiocrurali.
Come si usa la Reverse Hyper?
Si inizia da sdraiato in posizione prona sulla stazione a contatto a livello dal petto superando metà dell'addome. Le anche sono flesse. Le gambe restano parallele con le ginocchia estese. Si va in azione sollevando le gambe estendendo le anche senza modificare l'angolo delle ginocchia.
Quali muscoli alleno con la Reverse Hyper?
Grande gluteo, capo lungo del bicipite femorale, semimembranoso, semitendinoso e capo ischiatico del grande adduttore.


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Reverse Hyper Extension


Inkl. MwSt: 1.055,00 €
MwSt. Ohne:* 864,75 €
* Der MwSt.-Betrag kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren.
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