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Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln

Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln

Inkl. MwSt: 705,00 €
MwSt. Ohne:* 577,87 €
* Der MwSt.-Betrag kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren.

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Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln
Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln

Xenios USA’s® MASSIVE STORAGE RACK -DUMBBELLS allocates space for all your Dumbbells. It is designed to give a reliable storage solution to all box owners and athletes.

Built with heavy-duty, powder coated steel with wheels included for portability and stability. Guaranteed to help you create a clean and streamlined floor space while supporting and protecting all surfaces and allowing athletes to push their limits of their workout while staying safe.

We have provided you with an exceptional and reliable storage rack that gives you flexibility of use and sturdiness without sacrificing aesthetic. The design effectively provides strong support for all your lifting accessories from dumbbells to resistance bands, while also increasing the vital floor space available for our athletes.  Worth the investment, it will help you create the optimal space for focussing on perfecting your lifting regime.

Specifications of shelf are Length of 180,5 cm, Width of 50cm and Height of 123cm, tube specs come in at 75x50x3. Finished off with opaque black with the Xenios USA® true-blue trademark to keep you ahead of the design curve. 

Xenios USA’s® athletes are always looking to improve and build on the stellar fitness environments they have created. Whether you are a competitive athlete or just starting out on your journey, this up-to-date storage rack is what you need as an integral part of your basement gym or Box layout. Budget-smart and made from the most technologically advanced material that guarantees longevity– you will be able to train to the top level while reducing signs of wear and tear on the gym floor and know that the space created is safe. We believe that you can achieve your highest fitness goals and aim to deliver equipment to allow this to happen.

Build your own unique playground of athletic excellence and endurance with the help of our design team at Xenios USA® headquarters.

Gear Specs

  • Length - 180,5 cm
  • Width - 50 cm
  • Height - 123 cm
  • Steel tube specs - 75x50x3.5 mm
  • Weight - 55 Kg
  • Material - Powder coated steel
  • Color/finishing - Matte black

    Supports for fractional plates and loops are not included and can be purchased as additional accessories.


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Massives Lagerregal für Kurzhanteln


Inkl. MwSt: 705,00 €
MwSt. Ohne:* 577,87 €
* Der MwSt.-Betrag kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren.

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